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Prayer is love by Deon Crafford

Acts 7:59-60 And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

We are all called to pray for others. Yes all of us. If we follow after Jesus, we all shall have the heart of an intercessor – someone who stands in the gap for another person who is troubled or condemned. I am alive and free today because Jesus stood and still stands in the gap for me. We must not make the mistake of identifying only some as intercessors i.e. they have a far greater ability to pray on behalf of others. That simply is not true. Jesus’ interceding for me is the greatest act of love that I will ever experience. And if I then am a recipient of so much, what shall prevent me of extending such love to others, regardless of their merits. Yes, that is a tough one – regardless of their merits. But I have no right to claim to know Christ, if this I cannot do. Stephen in his dying moments, are interceding for his murderers. It is hard to grasp how unconfined his love was, fired by his understanding of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It is easy to pray for those we love, but we’re also called to pray for those that may not “deserve” or even “appreciate” it. I am not praying to influence someone else’s mindset or motivation. I am interceding because the love of Christ has broken open my heart.

Love to all