Join us on Sundays at 09h00

When you pray …by Deon Crafford

Matthew 6:8-9a Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this:

My Father, I come before you in awe and honour. You are far more than my mind can fathom and yet Your touch centres in on my own heart. 

This world is desperate for Your Kingdom because it keeps devouring itself. Your love and gentle mercy is life to me! Empower me in such a way Father, that my words and actions will broadcast the presence of Your Kingdom. 

Please grant me the humility and peace to submit myself to Your will in my life. Constantly remind me that You are never not in control and that You oversee my circumstances and challenges in infinite grace.  

Father, You govern all I need and receive. I trust that You will keep me resourced sufficiently and free me from the anxiety of not being able to provide for those You charged me to love and care for. Please allow my heart to be unshackled and positioned in constant worship.

Forgive me Father for my mindless stumbling into wrongdoing. Grant me Your mercy as I keep falling short of your call to holiness and being a poster child for untrustworthiness. Shape in me a heart of forgiveness and mercy to those who have wronged or disappointed me Father, and keep reminding me that my sin against You are far, far greater than theirs against me. 

Father, please steel me against the lures and temptations of this world. Help me to mobilise my faith and my faculties in a non-stop offensive against the attempts of Darkness to soil my life. 

I confirm all I have prayed in the unwavering belief that Your Word and promises are my complete assurance and that because You breathed your breath into me, my life never ends. 

Love to all