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Where your hope is, there your heart will be by Deon Crafford

Matthew 6:19-21  “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Many people today have become the “victims” of their smart watches. These nifty little gadgets have the ability to give you constant feedback on your heart rate, your sleeping patterns, your physical exercise or exertion and so forth. Soon with the advent of Artificial Intelligence it will also inform you of mood states and swings, perhaps even of the degree of social approval in your direct environment. But what if we could have something that analyses the focus and intensity of our concerns or worries – a kind of hope-meter? Then at the end of a day we can see in what our hope was anchored for that day. I submit that such analysis would provide the shocking feedback that a extremely small part of our daily life (at least then mine) is spent on healthy anxiety about being ambassadors for the Kingdom. We or then I, would find that we’re so focused on making it here on this planet in this slither of time we have, that we push our representation of Christ to the back of the agenda, where often it falls off due to my lack of time. Hope is the pursuit of certainty. Jesus Christ offers me certainty into eternity. Why would I not have that uppermost of mind in living out my life amongst others in this world. Why would I not want to make this certainty known to the world around me? Where my certainty is, there my heart will be also.

Love to all